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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let the crazy begin!

When you live in California, and do Farmers Markets for a living, you are blessed enough to have several year-round Markets, you go rain or shine and the customers are so cool, they support the Market rain or shine too, it's not just for "show" it's how they really LIVE! I can't tell you how much we appreciate the support either. Support Local really is a good thing!  So anyhow, I have 3 year-round Markets that I do all year and then two Seasonal ones that I do May-November-ish. The point here is that just one more Market can make a HUGE difference! It's that way for all of us. I have made 220# of soap this week, above is what 90# looks like! A normal week is about 100# just to maintain what I normally go through. So life has already begun to get busier! Here's where to find us these days if you happen to be in the area:
Sunday: Martinez, Main Street 10-2 Look for the Purple Tent as always!
Tuesday Concord - Todos Santos Plaza 10-2 (although we're usually there by 8)
Thursday Antioch Kaiser the first Thursday of the month
Friday Vallejo Kasier 10-2
Saturday - Pleasanton 9-1
So yes, busier, but I wouldn't change a thing! I look forward to seeing all of you that I've been missing!

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