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Monday, April 25, 2011

Manic Monday

Every 4-6 weeks or so, I make the Trek to Oakland and Berkeley for supplies, then come home and separate everything into batch sized increments, this take a couple of hours usually. After that I'll have two shifts of soap to make, 80# in the first shift and 60# in the second shift. There are shifts because UPS is delievering a few things I need and they get here anywhere between 4 and 9 pm. At least by doing them in shifts I wont be in the Studio til midnight! 
My Seasonal Market is about to begin on Sunday (Martinez) and so there's a lot of extra preparation for me this week. It's a good thing, I have been missing my customers, the ones who we do all of this for! 
So I know at the end of the day I will be exhausted, but happy! Wishing all of you a happy Monday!  

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