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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Conference of Creative Entrepreneurs

I had the priveledge of attending the first day of the 3 day Conference, I had such a good time! It's being held in San Francisco so I took BART over and it couldn't have been easier.
We had sessions all going on at the same time in different rooms and they were tailored to whatever your specialty was, be it illustration, blogging, writing or other artisan activities.
The one on blogging was interesting, I thought it was going to be about affiliate programs (you have a banner or such on your blog and if folks click on it and sign up or whatever, you get paid for it) but it was actually more about monetizing your blog if you have a larger following. Didn't really apply to me, although it was interesting nonetheless.
I also enjoyed spending the time with kindred spirits, it was fun to use the "lingo" and know they knew what I was refering to.
I definately plan on attending all 3 days next year. I highly recommend it if you are a "creative" too! :-) More next blog post!

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